Our team believes there is strength in unity and we understand how to tap that potential for organisations, combining many elements into a holistic collaborative response. We have adapted our NZ approach to suit the current practitioner and market needs. However, as a branch of ICW UK our work draws strongly from the ICW UK ISO 44001 material and supporting research undertaken by Warwick University and we are indebted for their support.
Many New Zealanders have an intuitive understanding of collaboration, but this rarely leads to successful collaboration – at times it’s even an unintended impediment. Our structured approach to collaboration provides, instead, an opportunity to work with an independent framework and develop a shared understanding around the way forward, shifting self-interest to shared-interest. In this way, the power of collaborative working can be harnessed, enabling value creation across the supply chain.
Taking a structured approach to collaboration has transformed delivery of multi-organisational relationships across large corporates, government departments and complex programmes of works managed by not for profits (see Our success stories). The opportunities are many, and we believe successful delivery of the New Zealand Treasury’s Living Standards Framework is dependent on a structured approach to collaboration.